Welcome to the first Issue of the second Volume of the Journal of Conflict Management and Sustainable Development (Journal of CMSD, Vol.2, Iss. No.1).

The Journal of CMSD is meant to highlight and canvass current and emerging debates on the themes of conflict management and sustainable development.

While sustainable development agenda has become the yardstick of development sustainability globally, there are factors and intervening issues that ought to be addressed to ensure that the same becomes a reality for countries around the world. This is especially important in light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at the United Nations Summit, which envisions a continuing debate on the goals.

The current Issue of the Journal carries articles revolving around the themes of, inter alia, Conflict Management; Environmental Conflicts; Gender and Non Discrimination; Social Justice and Human Rights; the Environment and Sustainable Development in general, amongst others, which are all key to the global efforts geared towards realisation of sustainable development goals.

The current Issue also recognises the need for an integrated approach to the realisation of socio-economic rights of all people as a step towards realisation of the sustainable development agenda. Thus, some of the articles explore topics based on this theme in a bid to promote a holistic approach to sustainable development.

The Editor hopes that the articles contained in the current Issue will evoke some responses on the matters raised and some further suggestions on the way forward, since sustainable development envisages a collective responsibility and efforts from all.


Dr. Kariuki Muigua, Ph.D.; FCIArb; Chartered Arbitrator; Accredited Mediator.

Managing Editor.

May 2018